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Setting Up a Business in Africa: 6 Reasons Why Payroll Management Fails

Aug 04, 2022   •   by Abiodun Falade   •   Source: workforcegroup   •   eye-icon 318 views

Payroll is a pivotal component of organisational success, but it is also one of the most difficult to calibrate due to its complexity. Payroll is more than just paying employees on time; it requires a high level of numerical skill, administrative know-how, and compliance expertise. As a result, the payroll process invariably generates issues, which can become severe if missed or ignored over time. 


When payroll fails or breaks down, the consequences can be disastrous, ranging from missed payment deadlines and disgruntled employees to reputational risk and steep massive fines. 


Though it's impossible to eliminate payroll issues completely, they are not disastrous. Instead, the best approach to dealing with payroll issues is to fully comprehend how and why they occur and then design a solution that allows for flexibility in response. 

You must deal with the complex daily struggles associated with domestic and global HR requirements and keep your organisation productive and focused on the overall goal. Domestically, executing error-free and compliant payroll should be a matter of course. Still, when it comes to payroll management in Africa


Let's look at some of the quintessential downfalls to help you safeguard your organisation against payroll management failure: 


1.) Failure to ensure compliance

Maintaining global compliance can feel impossible for multinational corporations expanding into Africa, significantly when the rules differ everywhere you go (and always seem to be changing).   


Every country in Africa has its own set of laws and regulations, and local jurisdictions within each country frequently have their own set of rules and regulations, with sometimes conflicting laws at the local/state and federal levels. 


Recognising which laws apply to which employee and keeping it clean can be difficult, and that doesn't even consider legislative changes that occur with political cycles. Almost every year, significant changes are made to how payroll is processed, either at the federal or state level. 


While most multinationals strive to stay current on regulatory changes, an overwhelming amount of information can lead to compliance gaps. 

One of the most complex global payroll challenges is staying in compliance with taxes, retirement contributions, vacation/leave requirements, hiring and employment verification, termination practices, employee classification, healthcare requirements, and all the associated paperwork and payment deadlines. 


2.) Selecting the wrong payroll partner

After resolving the compliance issue by hiring local vendors to run payroll in each hiring location as a multinational expanding into Africa. The next most difficult challenge that most multinationals face when implementing global payroll is selecting the best payroll provider. 


Many payroll professionals provide services in one or more countries. Comparing their service features and pricing and ensuring they meet all of the required criteria for a good payroll partner is a time-consuming and challenging task. 

Hiring an inept payroll management service provider will set your organisation up for failure. 


3.) Failure to meet deadlines

Meeting various essential dates and deadlines is one of the primary duties of your payroll department that is considered critical when expanding to Africa. To avoid penalties, mark your calendar(s) and enable reminders for important dates for tax remittances, tax filing, and other payment obligations. 


Missing payroll tax due dates can lead to severe litigation that tarnishes your organisation's reputation. You may also have to pay hefty late fees and penalties, which may cause undue financial stress. It may also foster mistrust among your employees. 


As a result, if you want to avoid some potentially severe penalties, you should make every effort to remember your tax deadline. 


4.) Failure to streamline HR Policy

Your HR policy as a multinational expanding into the African market must be adaptable. Every organisation must acknowledge that global issues are increasingly impacting markets, supply chains, and business practices. 


As a result, your company must develop HR competencies through cross-cultural understanding and extensive knowledge of international employment legislation, labour law, and economic trends. 


Failure to understand which policies work best for which countries will jeopardise the success of your operations in each region. 


5.) Failure to define payroll policies & processes

Because any payroll system receives input from multiple departments and individuals, it is critical to validate the various data sources and data information to meet payroll deadlines as a multinational organisation. 


This can be accomplished by defining payroll processing norms and timelines and incorporating them into your payroll system. 


Your payroll department must include policies regarding leave, attendance, time and expenses, invoicing, reimbursements, compensation, and so on. Therefore, you must clearly define your payroll policy. 


6.) Financial forecasting problems

One of the difficulties of doing business in Africa is the unpredictability of government policies and the economy's slow growth. Any department attempting to make accurate budget projections faces a nightmare due to a lack of certainty. 


It takes time to account for the needs of international employees in annual and monthly payroll budgets; uncertain exchange rates, international banking practices, and changing regulatory environments can all necessitate monthly manual reconciliation. 


Without prior experience and careful monitoring, global payroll can be unpredictable as payroll varies by country. 


In any organisation, a seamless payroll process is similar to oxygen: when it's present, you hardly notice it; when it's absent, you find yourself thinking exclusively about that one thing. Because of this, payroll is among the task businesses perform that are both least valued and crucial. 


When done correctly, payroll can maintain employee satisfaction and protect your company from legal repercussions. Payroll errors, on the other hand, can have an overall negative effect on a business. 


The first step in preventing payroll errors in your organisation and preserving a smooth payroll process is being aware of the most typical payroll errors. 


And while managing a smooth payroll can sometimes seem like a thankless task, it affects many other areas of the larger organisation, such as employee satisfaction and organisation culture. 


Without a doubt, an efficient payroll management system is critical to the success of any organisation looking to expand into Africa. 

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